
We examine your entire or individual components of your IT infrastructure and uncover weak points. With our IT security check, we ensure that no security gap remains undiscovered, that communication is secure and that appropriate measures can be planned to eliminate them. 


We have years of experience and expertise in the field of IT security. With HEJUBA you are always on the safe side when it comes to risk analysis and security analysis. We assess the security level of your existing or newly planned IT landscape and ensure that it is always up to date in terms of security. In particular, we jointly determine the security level of your systems and ensure that your data is also secured in the event of a crypto/ransomware attack, i.e. the encryption of your data and systems.

  • Ideal as an initial check or second opinion on your current IT infrastructure


Cyber Security Checkup in cooperation with the Basel Chamber of Commerce

From now on HEJUBA offers a security checkup in cooperation with the Basel Chamber of Commerce. 

Thanks to the support of the Basel Chamber of Commerce, you will receive the Security Checkup at a reduced price of only CHF 1'100 per module instead of the usual CHF 3'300.


A complete check includes the following topics, among others:

Network Topology

Data location


Monitoring & Alerting

Firewall und Security Appliances

Client Security und Update Management

Mobile Device Management

Identity- und Access Management


This is how we proceed

The cyber security checkup is a comprehensive security check for your IT systems that will mostly take place on your premises.


  1. Our experts come to you and assess the current status of your IT systems and processes.
  2. You will then receive a detailed report from us with all relevant information on the current security status of your systems and suggestions for improvement, so that you are on the safe side in the future.



Um Datensicherheit und Datenschutz zu gewährleisten, dient uns der neue Beratungsstandard DIN SPEC 27076 als Basis für unseren IT-Security Check. Ein genauerer Blick auf die verwendete Infrastruktur sowie eingesetzten Tools ist nicht mehr wegzudenken.

Es ist unerlässlich, die verwendete Infrastruktur und die eingesetzten Tools genau zu betrachten.

Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Standardisierung von Prozessen und Tools, um Effizienz zu steigern und Sicherheitsmassnahmen zu vereinfachen.

David Jutzi, Geschäftsführer

The following modules are funded by the Chamber of Commerce with 66%.

Modul - Human Factor

Total 16 hours of effort. Of which at least 8 hours at your site.

  • Phishing test for an e-mail domain
  • Sensitization of employees
  • Demonstrating the possibility of introducing security policies

Modul – Infrastructure

Total 16 hours of effort. Of which at least 8 hours at your site, limited to one site.

  • Check IT/network plan and firewall for one site.
  • Check Wifi setup (e.g. public, internal) if available
  • Check backup strategy
  • Server & PC quick check (patch level / antivirus)

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